Players Against Cancer (PAC)
April 26 2:00 pm
PAC (Players Against Cancer) 2025 is open for registration! Space is limited to 64 tennis players and 32 pickle ball players and open to all area enthusiasts- so please don’t delay!
Tennis play will begin at 2PM with pickleball beginning at 2:30. All play will be both competitive and social with the purchase of “mulligans” to add to the fun!
Our ever popular Wine Pull has already received several donations of well over $20! If you are interested in donating a bottle of wine with a value (ie purchase price) of at least $20,
Rain date for PAC is April 27 2-6pm.
We would like to thank our 2025 Sponsors:
Title Sponsorship-Bel Air Lending
Advantage Sponsorship- Southwest Durham Family Practice,
Lonnie’s University Auto Center,
Mindful Massage
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
Court Sponsorship- Southpoint Durham Family Practice,
Aussie Rescue,
Community Based Landscape
If you personally or your business would like to join as a Sponsor, please use the QR code on the PAC flyer and follow the Sponsor tab. Please remember that the deadline for all Sponsorship donations and pdf’s for banners is April 1, 2025.
Our second annual Pub Night is set for Thursday, March 27th, 6-8pm! We have some fabulous raffle prizes as well as extraordinary bartenders! All tips between 6:30-7:30 will be donated to the Patient Support Program so come out to The Pub and join the fun!